Heuer fand an der NMS Neulengbach wieder ein Homeschool Project statt, an dem 48 Schüler der 2. Klassen teilnahmen. Vom 3.-5.4. unterrichteten vier Gastleher aus englischsprachigen Ländern die Kids – und das ausnahmslos auf Englisch.
Mit viel Energie und Enthusiasmus motivierten Carlos(UK), James (UK), Tony (USA) und Aron (USA) die SchpülerInnen ihre bereits erworbenen Englischkenntisse anzuwenden und zu vertiefen.
Täglich fanden 6 Unterrichtseinheiten statt, in denen die englische Sprache auf spielerische Weise vermittelt wurde. Dabei wurden vor allem die mündliche Kommunikation und das Hörverständnis der Schüler trainiert.
This is what Carl Dugdale reports about the week:
“… Many topics were covered during the three days…We started with English games like fruit salad, I love you baby but I just can’t smile, Kiss kiss bang bang and Badabopbopbop. The kids presented their good friends to me, they told me about their favourite foods, sports, hobbies, and music; about their parents’ jobs, pets, likes and dislikes.
We created drama workshops and learnt sketches like Banana pudding. Then the students created their own sketches based on Little Red Riding Hood.
We learnt the rules of dodgeball and played it in the gym with another class, so much fun!
We had an English pub quiz with general knowledge and music questions to aid listening skills and for fun, too. Each day we practiced our past tense talking about what we did yesterday after
school. We danced and we sang(a little) – I am not much of a singer lol!
On Friday we all brought in traditional Austrian food for a small party, things like chocolate cake, bread and salami.
We finished the week with a small presentation with certificates. Many more topics and activities were covered by the other trainers when we rotated for the day. They spoke about their home
countries and cultures. All in all it was a terrific week! “
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